Comments From Visitors

These are comments from independent readers/visitors of the site.
Dr Neil Parsadsingh

I spent a happy hour reading your two missives
Then I spent 2 hours reading them aloud again
And then I taped them to listen to for the rest of my life
I want to have those two essays to listen to some times before I fall asleep at night and sometimes to listen to first thing in the morning
Unfortunately those essays are not for everyone. As you said, most people are asleep and don’t want to wake up to the reality of life and the opportunities which are all around us everyday.

Most of us just want to be safe and to follow the herd and to be comfortable
It takes a lot of guts to go against the herd and a lot of guts to believe in yourself and to do the things which you believe in, but this is the price one has to pay if he intends to become rich

Since I refuse to take a vow of poverty
I will have to walk alone
But it is so nice to meet a fellow traveler on the path

I can truly say that the man who read your essays yesterday became a different man after he had read them
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