Who Are We
We are Transformyourslfnow Ltd, (“TRY” for short) We are a family company that wants to share its life-changing experiences in the hope that you and others might find helpful insights for your own development (see Profile of Directors) We want our site to become ‘a school without walls’ because we believe that there is a strong need for us, Caribbean Peoples, to transform and become our best vision of ourselves at two levels:

1. firstly to love ourselves unconditionally and believe in our innate potential to create and do things for our own, and the benefit of those with whom we share this planet, and

2. secondly, to accept the responsibility for our individual economic advancement and financial independence.

We know that neither is necessarily easy but believe that the need for this transformation is so compelling that we have dedicated ourselves to helping members of the Diaspora to pursue both. The idea is for you, and I, to make-over ourselves from who we are now into the YOU that you (and I) want to become, in pretty much the way that a menacing and ‘ugly’ caterpillar transforms itself into a beautiful butterfly. On the basis of the overwhelming evidence of ordinary people who have become extra ordinary by doing it, we believe that you (and I) can do it and dedicate the resources of our company, ourselves and this site, to this one objective. We want to multiply the few who have done it into the many more who we believe can do it too.

It is our hope, that, as you make use of the resources at the site, you will discover that we (Directors) have been practicing what we are now preaching. We believe that this is the best example that we can set. It speaks for itself. In respect of building your personal wealth we will, in effect, be sharing with you, the very strategies that the world’s leading investors have used and which we have copied. We invite you to copy these strategies too because, they work! As we travel together in pursuit of our Vision and our personal and collective fulfillment, let us keep reminding ourselves that our own various roads to success are not a destination but a highway “still under construction” (courtesy American multi-millionaire Willie Gary, www.williegary.com one of the world’s leading personal injury Attorneys)

What is the basis for the company’s name?

Our name is based on the accumulated wisdom of the ages (including the Bible) which has repeatedly asserted that man is a product of his own thinking and has the power within himself to change (transform) his fortune, and quality of his life, by changing the way he thinks. Our name is an affirmation of this empowering thought! Have no vision of a future and, do not think of that future, and nothing happens i.e. failure is the natural result. On the other hand, think achievement and success and that is what happens. too. Better still, think of a specific achievement, and of success in a specific time frame and that, usually, is what will happen if you work at it i.e. take the appropriate collateral action.
Our company is not equipped to argue the technical science of why people who think success achieve it. That is the province of the experts. Our self-appointed mandate is to invite you to believe the assertions of these experts and help you motivate yourself to experience the transformation in your own life.
Listen to some of them and let them speak directly to you so that you, too, will be led to transform yourself into your own Vision of You.

Let the experts speak

01 As a man thinketh in his heart so is he---Proverbs 23:7
02 All things are possible to him that believeth---The Bible
03 Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the stream of thought that is forever flowing through one’s head—Mark Twain
04 All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The secret of success lies not without but within the thoughts of man—Buddha
05 You are the product of your own thought. What you believe yourself to be, you are—“The Magic of Believing” page 29
06 For whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap---The Bible
07 Every person is the creature of himself, the image of his own thinking and believing---For, as he thinketh in his heart, so is he---The Magic of Believing/ King Solomon
08 Where there is no (personal) vision, the (person) or people perish Proverbs 29:18
09 A man is what he thinks all day---Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803 - 1882 American Poet
10 Those people who think they can do something and those who think
they can’t are both right!—Henry Ford, Ford Motor Company
11 The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attributes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives—William James, 1842 - 1910, Father of American psychology
12 Life is a do-it-myself-programme---Psychologist Dr. Denis Whaitley
13 Vision is the art of seeing things invisible---PSOJ 2003 Executive diary
14 Our life is what our thoughts make it---Marcus Aurelius 121-180, Roman Emperor & Philosopher.
15 You are responsible for your own life. You become what you believe--Oprah Winfrey, Essence Magazine, Collector’s Edition, Oct.2003
16 It was during those difficult times that I created in my mind a vision of who I wanted to become. I decided I wanted to be an outstanding recording star! Ray Charles, blind and dirt poor at age 6
17 All that a man achieves, and all that he fails to achieve, is the direct result of his own thoughts….the Wisdom of James Allen, author, As A Man Thinketh
18 What every man needs, regardless of his job or the work he does, is a vision both of what his place is, and may be. He needs an objective and a purpose to his life. He needs a feeling and a belief that he has some worthwhile thing to do. What this is, no man can tell him. It must be his own creation. Its success will be measured by the nature of his vision, what he has done to equip himself, and how well he has
performed along the line of its development---Joseph M Dodge

We invite you, dear reader, to do exactly what Mr Dodge has suggested because, this is where every achiever started and where we want you, to start, right now, right where you are with what tools (however limited) that you have. Create that VISION of your future today, now. Develop that purpose to your life, today, now, whether it is for academic excellence, wealth in your own lifetime, the setting of a financial base for your progeny or all three!. Whatever is the vision and whatever is the purpose, we enjoin you to transform yourself now and pledge our support in helping you to make that Vision turn into your reality.

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Copyright ©2005 TransformYourselfNow. All rights reserved.
"TRY" believes that we, too, can rise to our potential by conquering our mountains of doubts...
