Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do Some Have wealth while others do not?

Why do some families have wealth while others do not? (12)
The experts say there are many intertwining reasons. Many people feel that poverty, like wealth, is a result phenomenon– a result of decisions taken or not taken by families over the long haul. For example:

a) Some cultures build the saving and entrepreneurial component in their
education system, others do not.
b) Some peoples seem to ‘celelbrate’ the consumption culture, totally oblivious to the view that life is a long tern journey. So they spend all 100 cents in their paycheck at every pay period. Others do not.
c) Some spend less than the ‘full hundred’ cents and learn how to invest the rest. Others do not
d) Some families have a financial and standards-of-living vision for the medium and long term. Others do not.
e) Some people learn, very early in life, how to put some of their money to work for them over the long term. They have a vision of their tomorrows. Others have no vision for their future and are content to keep working for money all their lives. Invariably, those who develop a vision of their future and plan for it will create more wealth than those who do not have that vision and fall, instead, for the short-term gratification of the cost of high living.

How do people who are not wealthy exist, financially?
They exist by working physically harder and longer, (way past retirement age), for money to meet their recurring bills. Working for money all of one’s life (and not investing any or enough of it) is one of the worst ways to spend one’s productive years. It sometimes lead to marginal living standards especially in retirement because, there was not enough ‘set-a-side’ for their proverbial “rainy days”

How do people who are rich exist, financially speaking?
They tend to live reasonably comfortably from the income they receive from
putting their money to work while they themselves are still working. They do
this by, inter alia, putting some of their money in:
a) real estate and rental income
b) ‘government paper’ i.e. lend some to the government (which is usually the biggest borrower in a country)
c) shares of companies listed on recognized stock exchanges
d) their own companies either as sole proprietors, partners or limited liability companies (entrepreneurs)
e) Research and Development initiatives that lead to inventions, patents and royalty.

If we are ‘tired’ of being poor and want to change our financial status, and
living condition, how/where can we start?

In our head!! This means changing our way of thinking. One way to make this
change is to coax ourselves into believing that is possible for us to change the
direction and quality of our life entirely by our thought and action, while reminding ourselves that we alone have that power to change or not change!!! Listen to four who should know:
a) “It is possible!! You are blessed and highly favoured by your Creator” international motivational speaker Les Brown from a very poor Miami neighbourhood who was declared ‘uneducable’ by an unsympathetic teacher
b) “Life is a do-it-myself programme” says outstanding behavioural scientist Dr Denis Waitley
c) ‘You are responsible for your own life. You become what you believe’. Oprah
d) ‘We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. And with our thoughts we make our world’ Buddha
Enough said?!

What is the typical income stream of wealthy people?
a) Dividend income from ownership of stocks
b) Interest income from lending their savings (however small) to their own government and other reputable borrowers who will repay
c) renal income from property
d) Royalty from inventions, patents and other intellectual property
These people try hard to make the decisions on their income source. They
rarely, if ever, operate savings accounts in banks

What is the corresponding income stream of people who are not wealthy?
This is primarily wages from employment, miniscule returns on savings and
CD accounts which have the following characteristics:
a) Size of wage set by union and out of their control
b) size of bank/CD interest rate set by bank and out of their control.

Are there any basic strategies that can be recommended to people who want to create some wealth over the long term?

There are many. Ten are:
a) assume the responsibility to do so now i.e. initiate an investment and wealth-building culture in the family
b) develop a family plan to implement the responsibility
c) Let time start working for you i.e. start where you are now with what you have and build on it
d) Pay yourself first from every pay cheque, bonus, incentive and every windfall payment i.e. save or invest from it first before you start spending from it
e) Invest at least 10% of all regular income and at minimum, 20% of every bonus, incentive or windfall payment
f) If your employer has an employee saving or investment plan in which they will match anything (or a fixed portion) of what an employee saves, qualify yourself for the maximum employer contribution. This contribution is like net profit in an enterprise. It will grow your savings at a faster rate
g) Let the multiplying magic of time work for you
h) Let the magic of compound interest work for you
i) Teach the kids about investment and wealth creation
j) Have a valid Will to facilitate inter-generational wealth transfer and building in the family

What can "not so wealthy" people do to gain some control over their income stream?
Start with the help of a trustworthy Financial Planner. Make financial
sacrifice, and still more sacrifice, by denying or postponing some immediate wants so that they can start an investment programme. The objective is to benefit from the wealth building effects of time (as measured in decades) and the compounding magic of interest rate. Interest sensitive investments, index and other managed funds may be good places to start the investment programme.

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